Vergangene Events (Archiv)
ALFI US Roadshow (Boston & NY)
- 09.10.2018 to 10.10.2018
Organised by ALFILuxembourg for Finance will participate in the ALFI US Roadshow, taking place in Boston on 9 October and in New York on 10 October 2018.
FT Climate Finance Summit London
- 09.10.2018
Organised by Financial Times LiveLuxembourg for Finance will have a speaking slot and a booth at the second annual FT Climate Finance Summit "Aligning Policy and Practice - Investing for a 2 Degree World" on 9 October 2018 in London.
Shanghai 2018
- 13.09.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg for Finance invites you to join the seminar in Shanghai on Thursday, 13 September 2018.
Beijing 2018
- 11.09.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg for Finance invites you to join the seminar in Beijing on Tuesday, 11 September 2018.
China 2018
- 11.09.2018 to 13.09.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg for Finance was bound for China with a financial delegation headed by HE Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance.
IFN Forum Europe 2018
- 05.09.2018
Organised by REDmoney EventsFollowing on from the success of 2017, IFN Europe Forum once again returns to London - this time for a full week of activities in conjunction with leading European regulators, global standard-setters, world leaders and UK & European Islamic finance practitioners.
FT Brexit and Beyond Summit
- 12.06.2018
Organised by Financial Times LiveLuxembourg for Finance will have a speaking slot at the third FT Brexit and Beyond Summit organised by Financial Times Live in London on Tuesday, 12 June 2018 (Venue: Hilton London Bankside).
Geneva 2018
- 06.06.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg for Finance is bound for Switzerland with a financial delegation headed by HE Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance.
Zurich 2018
- 05.06.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceLuxembourg for Finance is bound for Switzerland with a financial delegation headed by HE Pierre Gramegna, Minister of Finance.
Sustainable Finance Forum Luxembourg
- 30.05.2018
Organised by Luxembourg for FinanceThe Sustainable Finance Forum Luxembourg brings together the European sustainable finance community: policy makers, practitioners, public stakeholders and corporate and retail investors.