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      1. Luxembourg City ranks 19th worldwide for Quality of Life

        Luxembourg City ranks 19th worldwide for Quality of Life

        European cities continue to dominate the Mercer Worldwide Quality of Living Survey 2010, with 16 out of the top 25 places and Vienna in the top slot.  Luxembourg ranks 19th, behind Zurich, Geneva and Frankfurt but ahead of Dublin, Paris and London.  New York, which serves as the benchmark for the study, comes in behind all these cities in 49th place.  The Old World seems a clear winner.  However, the tables are turned when it comes to sustainability.

      2. The main challenge is to boost confidence

        The main challenge is to boost confidence

        Finance ministers of the euro zone agreed to set up a special purpose vehicle to safeguard the stability of the euro. The company will operate under Luxembourg law. It will be able to borrow up to EUR 440 billion by issuing bonds guaranteed by euro zone states. Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker says that the facility will be operational soon.

      3. Companies do not produce profits, they produce shoes

        Companies do not produce profits, they produce shoes

        Are new financial practices showing the way forward? Bloomberg presenter Judith Bogner moderated a panel at the Luxembourg Financial Forum (3rd June) that started where an earlier panel left off: if you cannot regulate stupidity what model can you adopt to ensure that financial services are sustainable in themselves and deliver sustainable results?

      4. Financial Forum: What the press says

        Financial Forum: What the press says

        “Towards a sustainable Europe”, “Discipline and rules must be observed” and “Europe needs time” were some of today’s headlines in national newspapers reporting on the Luxembourg Financial Forum, organised by Luxembourg for Finance. The press coverage focused on the debate between Prime Minister Jean-Claude Juncker and French economist and writer Jacques Attali.

      5. We cannot regulate stupidity

        We cannot regulate stupidity

        Sustainability means caring about the next generation.  Trust and transparency are the keys for a better world in finance. And what about people who are not rich and don’t talk about ethics? These are some of the topics and questions raised during the first high level panel of the Luxembourg Financial Forum. 600 guests from home and abroad take part at this event organised by Luxembourg for Finance.

      6. On continue à se raconter des mensonges

        On continue à se raconter des mensonges

        Jacques Attali est un pessimiste, parce que la crise provient d’un excès d’optimisme. Dans son débat avec le Premier ministre Jean-Claude Juncker, l’ancien conseiller spécial de François Mitterand était très critique envers les actions des gouvernements. Jean-Claude Juncker pour sa part a dit que les mesures prises par l’Europe étaient bonnes, mais en retard sur les nécessités qui se faisaient sentir.

      7. Geld allein macht nicht glücklich

        Geld allein macht nicht glücklich

        Sind Banken und Politik für die Nachhaltigkeit des Finansektors verantwortlich? Müssen Führungskräfte ethische Standards in ihren Unternehmen vorgeben? Was wollen wir überhaupt mit einer Investition erreichen?

        Diese und andere Fragen zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit beantwortet Dr. Erny Gillen, Caritas-Präsident von Luxemburg und Europa.

      8. Sticks and carrots: investing ethically works better when you finance projects

        Sticks and carrots: investing ethically works better when you finance projects

        SRI funds are popular with investors with a conscience. However, the impact of these funds on corporate behaviour is limited, at best.  Only active engagement can bring about durable change and measurable benefits. LFF interviews Philippe Depoorter, Secretary General at Banque de Luxembourg about SRI investing.

      9. Mit Anzug und Krawatte Ökoprojekte bewerben

        Mit Anzug und Krawatte Ökoprojekte bewerben

        Die luxemburgische NGO etika hat zusammen mit der Spuerkess ein „Alternatives Sparkonto“ aufgelegt, welches Investoren in Luxemburg die Möglichkeit zu sozialen Investments bietet.

        Ekkehart Schmidt-Fink, verantwortlich für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit bei etika, über die Anfangssschwierigkeiten einer NGO in Luxemburg und Möglichkeiten des Social Responsible Investments.

      10. Courir vite pour attraper le train en marche

        Courir vite pour attraper le train en marche

        Mieux vaut anticiper que faire des efforts tout d’un coup. Cette règle vaut en tout cas pour la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises. Christian Scharff, associé chez PricewaterhouseCoopers au sein du département advisory, parle d’un mouvement qui prend de plus en plus d’ampleur. Le président de l’Institut pour le Mouvement Sociétal constate que l’intérêt est également très important au Luxembourg.